Saturday, May 6, 2017

I am a Preacher.....REALLY??

What are the qualifications to be a "Man of God" a minister, pastor, evangelist...preacher? Are there any?
First of all it depends to whom you are speaking. Are there qualifications? Is there a manual or hand book? It there training?

Our country has many "preachers". That's a general term for someone who is in the business of telling the Gospel story.

Yes, we do have a rule book, it's called a Bible. However here is the first point of compromise with some. The only sure authorized text we have today, the standard bearer, is the King James Bible. The King James Bible is inspired by God, preserved, purified and proven. It was the Bible that was brought over to the "new world" on the Mayflower, and is still the Bible God blesses today.

However we have some today that don't agree with the authorized text. Simple, change it to make it more desirable to your way of thinking. Thus we have many "translations" on the market today.

The result of this: women who are "called" to preach. Yet the King James Bible flatly prohibits that, I Timothy 3:2.
Some being "called" to preach moments after they got saved. I Timothy 3:6
Some deciding they want a different wife, so they divorce the old one and get a new one, I Timothy 3:2, notice it says here the "husband of one wife", it doesn't just say, he should be married.

On and on I could go but you get my point, I think. I believe we all come up with our own set of rules.....don't we?

The church is in a mess today because frankly, I don't believe the average preacher cares about Biblical qualifications or commands from God. I truly believe the average evangelist and some pastors desire today is to have notoriety, live comfortably, and have a big following.

I was told by one "pastor" he preaches 52 meetings a year. An "evangelist" told me, he will go any place they will have him. One evangelist told me while discussing his divorce and remarriage to another mans wife, that he will punch me in the mouth the next time he sees me. I am really looking forward to that!

I am old enough to remember some great men of God that went home years ago. Some of these men I didn't agree with 100% but they did adhere to Biblical qualifications to preach.

Men like Oliver Green, Bob Jones, John R. Rice, John Rawlings, M R Dehann, Leman Strauss, Robert Ketcham, and many others. These were men of God who took a stand against apostasy.  These men believed what Paul wrote to Timothy in II Timothy 4. They believed what Jude wrote and stood unashamedly against the compromise in their day with men like Bishop Pike, Norman Vincent Peal, Billy Graham and others.

Have we turned a corner with the new age of evangelism? Are we making our own rules? Has God changed His views on compromise? Is Big better?

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the "church" today is losing it's power. Yet we have more fellows graduating from Bible colleges then ever before. The Independent Fundamental Baptist movement of which I affiliate myself with is now weaker than the Southern Baptist Association was when John R Rice, Jack Hyles and others left it.

Where do we go from here?

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Greenland Boat project need.

      I have the privilege to work with Missionaries Chris and Carole Shull each summer in Greenland. Chris and Carole are missionaries through All Points Baptist Mission, New Philadelphia OH. "",  Chris has a boat ministry to reach villages with the Gospel. Most of these villages will hear the Gospel message for the very first time.
I am a missionary evangelist working with churches in Maine and the Canadian Maritimes. I have been working with Chris for the past few years in putting this project together. Lord willing I will be leaving the last week of May to start the boat project up again for another summer.
If you would like to have a part in this project with a one time gift to help acquire the airplane tickets. Please send to: River Valley Baptist Church, PO Box 944, Houlton, Maine 04730. Please note it is for the Greenland Boat project.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Is Divorce Acceptable for Christians



One of the most difficult problems a family will ever face is the break up of the home.

Broken homes were a scarcity years ago in the Christian society. Even most liberal denominational preachers preached against it and dealt with it publically, when necessary. However, now it reigns unchecked in many independent fundamental Baptist churches. The pulpit is not even exempt from this horrible tragedy.

Is it permissible in view of Scripture? Does God allow divorce? Does God bless a remarriage? The answers to these questions I believe are clearly given in Scripture with a truthful unbiased study. 

A common Bible study method many use today is called the "law of first mention".  Using this for our study where does God speak about marriage for the first time?

We find this in Genesis chapter two. Before there was a church, before there was a government, there was a home. In Genesis 2:25, After God made a woman, God told Adam, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh".  We are given this same command in Ephesians 5:31.  This is a picture of Christ and His church. As Baptists we preach the security of the believer and yet condone divorce? You can't have it both ways.  In Ephesians 5:25 the husband is told to love his wife as Christ loved the church. There isn't any gray area here!

I believe in the permanency of marriage. William J. Hopewell, former professor of Missions at Baptist Bible Seminary of Clarks Summit in Pennsylvania,  cites eight passages of Scripture to squelch any argument for divorce.  These Scriptures are, Gen.2:24, Mal.2:14-16, Rom.7:2-4, I Cor.7:10, 39, Matt. 19:3-8, Mark 10:1-12 and Luke 16:18.

Many use the "exception clause" in Matt. 19:9 to condone divorce, however a study of Israeli customs will find that this is in reference to the betrothal period of the Jewish marriage.  The only example in Scripture of this clause is found in Matt.1:19. This was before Joseph and Mary had consummated their marriage, and agrees with our Lord's teaching in Matt. 19:4-6. You will not find this clause in Mark 10:1-12 or in Luke 16:18.

We have not exhausted this study, but I would like to give you two more things to think of. First of all in regard to the qualifications of a pastor we are told he must be the husband of one wife,
in I Timothy and again in Titus. Why didn't Paul just say, he must be a married man? Than in Genesis 2:24 we read that the man shall cleave unto his wife and "they" shall be "one" flesh. How can you divide one flesh?

Some years ago the argument was in the "preachers fellowships" if a person was divorced before salvation it was "under the blood." Now, however we have evangelists and pastors who have divorced their wives and remarried and never missed a lick.

Lets take a look at a few verses together, I Peter 4:11, how can God be glorified by divorce? In Ephesians 5:1 we read that we are to be "followers of God" how can we work divorce in to that equation?

If God condones divorce and remarriage, why don't these divorced evangelists advertise that in their brochures?

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

3/15/17 Separation

One HUGE problem we have in out homes today is the lack of separation. Separation: a division, an intervening space, a termination of a relationship.  

Separation has always been something that the Bible taught and God commanded. For example in Exodus 11:7b, "the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel".

In Leviticus 10:10 we read, "and that ye may put a difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean".

The reason we are to be different is described in I Corinthians 6:12, 19&20.

Our homes are to be separate from the world. Early on I was accused by a "Christian" friend of sheltering our children. He said they are like tender plants and when they get out from under your roof they will grow wild. Our oldest is now in his 40's and the youngest is 30 and they are all serving the Lord somewhere in good churches.

One problem in some churches today is lack of separation. I remember the old preachers of yesteryear pounding out with fury the compromise of some well know "religious" leaders of that day. Today, their sons and grandsons have turned the full circle and have once again indorsed the very same thing their elders preached against.  Where did it start? I believe in the home.  Just a thought I had on my heart today.

Monday, March 13, 2017

What is a Christian Home?

Psalms 127 and 128

NO society is stronger than it's homes! The home is foundational and preceded ALL other institutions.

1. In order to have a proper home, the home must center around the Lord.

2. A Christian home is not only where Christ lived but where Christ rules.

3. God describes children three ways in verse 3&4 of chapter 127 in Psalms.

   A. Heritage

   B. Rewards

   C. Arrows.

Heritage, we inherit our children from God. We are trusted with their upbringing. Rewards, They are a sign of God's favor,  and as arrows. Arrows need to be aimed, directed, in order for them to hit the goal.

1. The Christian Home is characterized by Holiness.  In order to have a holy home one must be a Christian, saved, born again, John 3:3-7.

2. The Christian home must be a surrendered home, Rom.12:1,2

3. The Christian home must be a home where there is Harmony, I Cor.11:3, Eph. 5:23-28.

4. A Christian home is where the Father leads in love and the mother is submissive in spirit, Eph.5:24, 25, 28 and the children are obedient, Eph. 6:1-3.

5. The Christian home is not only a place of instruction, Deut. 4:1-9, 6: 6,7, II Tim. 3:14,15.  but a place of discipline, Deut.20:12, Prov. 22:6, Prov. 13:24, 22:15 & 29:15.

If you follow all the instruction given to us in the Bible we will have a home marked by Happiness. Psa. 16:11, 36:7-10 & 90:14-17.

6. The Christian home will be an influential home.  Matt.5:13-15.

Today more than ever we need good Christian Homes. Homes across this country is almost non existent today. With abortion, with men trying to transition into women and women trying to transition into me, the feminization of our boys, this is one sick society.  Christian, please get some intestinal fortitude and take a stand for what's right. Our children's future depends on us.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Family news/ Early March preaching trip

After leaving the house early Friday morning I arrived at Steve and Robins in Rising Sun late in the evening because of heavy traffic and a 32 car pile up on I 81 south of Hazleton PA. We all went to a Nissley get together along with Caleb, Becky and Abi.
The Boys, John and Jim and their families from VA. were there also. There were a lot of Nissleys there, and when one of my cousins Lynn Nissley got everyone's attention, he started the get together off in prayer. I am thankful for the Godly heritage of my family.

I then spent the night in the prophets chamber at the New Freedom Baptist Church in New Freedom PA. and preached all day for Brother Mark Hopkins. It was good to have John, Stacey and boys with us and Jim, Angie and their girls also with us in the morning services. We all went out to eat before they left for home. Then the next day I took my car to the shop where they told me it is dying. The Chevy dealer told me the engine is making  noise that is deep and he wouldn't drive it out of town. He said when a car gets 240,000 miles on it to retire it. I said I think I will however I have to go to Acme PA. and then on to Montreal Canada and than home first.  
Here it is Wednesday and it's Becky's husband Caleb's birthday. Along with Caleb eating cake today is our little Shilo Grace. Shilo is the little daughter of Andy and Josie. She is our little Canadian.
Had a good time presenting the Gospel Boat ministry to the folks at the Mt Zion Community Independent Baptist Church on Tuesday evening and preaching Wednesday night. Lord willing tonight after preaching I will try to get a little sleep before heading to Montreal Canada.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


1. Marriage is a Picture of the Relationship between the Believer and Christ.

    Ezk.16:8, 38,  Hosea 2:19 and Ephesians 5:22-32.

2. Notice when Marriage was instituted.

    A. Before sin entered into the human race

    B. Before the earth was cursed

    C. Before man was driven from the Garden of Eden

    D. Before man was alienated from God because of sin

    E. After Adam was unable to find a help meet in the animal kingdom

3. God made a help meet for Adam by subtraction.

    A. God could have just created a woman, but God wanted a help meet that was closer

         than that. The man is not complete without the woman and the woman is not

         complete without the man.  Gen. 2:21-25, Adam recognized the woman is part of

         him. Gen. 2:23, notice also Ephesians 5:28-30.

    B. This "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" carries responsibility, Gen.2:24

    C. The Lord Jesus reaffirms God's law of marriage in Matt.19:1-6, Eph.5:31.


   1. Man is born into this world incomplete and deficient.

   2. Man can only find completeness in a wife.

   3. The man and his wife are an invisible unit, one flesh.


   1. Man is separated from God because of sin.

   2. Man can only find completeness in Christ, Col.2:10

   3. The Believer and Christ form an invisible unit, Eph.5:30


   1. Although we are told to obey the laws of the land, marriage is more than a legal


   2. It is more than a physical union, I Cor.6:15,16

   3. Marriage is a covenant (this is important and we will deal with the matter of divorce

       later) between two people, Prov.2:17,  Malachi 2:14

When two people hold hands and repeat their marriage vows, that is teaching a Spiritual truth.

A person is saved when they repent of their sins and receives the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, John1:12